Sunday, June 6, 2010

Is Facebook really upto its Freedom of Expression?

Everbody Draw Mark Zuckerberg’s Mom

A few days back Facebook’s access was banned to its 2.3 million users over profane and offensive image drawing contest of Prophet Muhammad on a particular page. A lot of muslims are already against facebook over this issue and launching facebook protest in various parts of the world.

This is a clear conflict between the Muslim world and the West. Muslims consider the action as a blatant attack on their faith, validating everything that Osama Bin Ladin and his kind have been trying to convey to the Islamic world. The West hates you and your prophet, they can do almost anything – from invasion to ridicule – to go against Islam. And even cloak it under the sweet tag line of “Freedom of Expression.” Well True!

On the other side of the picture, even the minutest Muslim reaction is used to label them as worst stereotypes about Muslims, as the West wants to portray, i.e. Muslims are intolerent, violent and seek to impose their values on the rest of the world. They have no regard for free speech.

The blogosphere is full of anecdotes that condemn Muslims for their lack of regard for the so called freedom of speech, and their alleged yelling for some special treatment.

Well the other day, I noticed that the group “Everybody Draw Mohammad Day”, which includes images that specifically call for violence agianst Muslims, is back on Facebook after being blocked for a short time.

However, a very humorous and only midly offensive group “Everbody Draw Mark Zuckerberg’s Mom”, which never even called for violence (though created as a protest against facebook), has been deleted by facebook. Not only has the group been deleted, posts on the walls of anyone discussing the page have also been trashed. Now this is what we call the REAL FREEDOM OF EXPRESSION, RIGHT?

So, Mark Zuckerberg’s Mom, please tell your son to play by his own rules. We all think hes a jerk for refusing to yield to world’s privacy concerns anyway. But your spoilt brat has also proved that he is an unprincipled child with dual standards

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